General FAQ
  1. Click on menu icon in the top left side corner of the page.
  2. Select “Set as Startpage/Homepage” from dropdown menu
  3. OR
  4. Click here for detail instruction how to set as home page.
  1. Click on menu icon in the top left side corner of the page.
  2. Select Preferences from Slide menu.
  3. Go to Open bookmark from left side tab menu.
  4. Select Open bookmark in Same page or New tab
  5. Done
  1. Click on menu icon in the top left side corner of the page.
  2. Select Preferences from Slide menu.
  3. Go to Search setting from left side tab menu to Turn on/off Search Engine.
  4. Go to Greeting or Quote from left side tab menu to Enable/Disable Greeting or quote.
  5. Done
  1. When you add bookmark, turn off Allow others to use this icon for bookmark
  2. Done
  1. Click on in the bottom right side corner of the page
  2. Select bookmark category widget
  3. Enter bookmark category name
  4. Click on Add
  5. Done
  1. Click on in the bottom right side corner of the page
  2. Select note widget
  3. Enter Note title
  4. Click on Add
  5. Done
If you can't find your question here, feel free to contact us any time